荷兰的Waalwijk - IGM树脂的一个研究团队已由Radtech USA命名为5月16日至18日在芝加哥举行的Radtech UV/EB 2016上发表的最佳技术论文的作者。Gabriele Norcini博士,Marika Morone博士和Andrea Bernini Freddi博士因其在紫外线LED固化应用方面的Photoinitiator化学方面的创新工作而获得了荣誉。

Their paper, “Design of New 3-Ketocoumarins for UV LED Curing,” describes their development of a new photoinitiator for LED lamps’ most powerful operation wavelengths (365 nm and 395 nm) that overcomes the yellowing and oxygen sensitivity drawbacks of existing products while retaining high reactivity and solubility. It was honored at the RadTech 2016 Awards Dinner on Tuesday, May 17, and Dr. Marone presented the paper on May 18 during the Photoinitiator session.


安德鲁·钱伯斯(Andrew Chambers)说:“ IGM的这一创新对多个市场领域的明确需求做出了回应President of IGM Resins’ Photoinitiator Business. “Market requirements have moved rapidly in the past few years, but photoinitiator technology has been slow to adapt. This 3-ketocoumarins class of photoinitiators is the first of several IGM will launch in 2016 to satisfy the evolving demands of UV radcure markets.”

屡获殊荣的研发团队在意大利的IGM树脂Gerenzano,米兰附近的研究和应用中心工作。他们于2015年6月加入IGM的全球应用和开发组织,当时该公司收购了Lamberti的Photoinitiator业务。IGM首席执行官爱德华·弗林特(Edward Frindt)表示:“我们祝贺这些人对IGM的新一代UV-CURE材料做出了重要贡献。”“ IGM完全致力于紫外线技术,领导着将创新带入紫外线市场并帮助我们的客户改善产品。”
