PPG Industries副总裁Kevin D. Braun将于今天上午8:00在东方涂料节目中提供主题演讲。演示文稿将探索数字化转型和新兴技术,以满足整合出行和环境保护的产品的新需求。2022世界杯八强水位分析功能涂料方面的最新进步将得到强调,并将针对传统涂料行业的新解决方案挑战。

ECS总裁戴夫·怀特(Dave White)表示:“我知道布劳恩(Braun)的专业知识和灵感将为一个充满活力,前瞻性的会议定下基调,这将为我们所有人提供新的能量和想法。”布劳恩(Braun)于2013年被任命为PPG美洲工业涂料副总裁。在他在公司的28年中,他担任过各种职位,包括涂料制造工厂的生产工程师;工业涂料市场经理;建筑涂料业务销售总监;二氧化硅产品总经理;以及全球原材料副总裁。他获得了匹兹堡大学的工业工程学士学位,并拥有首都大学的工商管理硕士学位。

Braun’s keynote address, titled “The Future of the Coating Industry: How Current Trends Are Driving Change,” will review the convergence of two megatrends that are creating new demand for products that integrate mobility and environmental protection, and the challenges and opportunities they present to the coatings industry. Specifically, his speech will examine how coatings manufacturers can leverage the latest advancements in functional coatings and explore possibilities for multi-purpose coatings that layer more than one functionality into a single formulation. “Strategic innovation is the key to success in today’s business climate,” maintains Dave White. “The ECS is an ideal platform to meet with raw material, packaging or equipment suppliers and attend technical presentations and panel discussions on the latest trends, technologies and services in the coatings industry.”