匹兹堡 - PPG最近宣布任命Meri Vainikka为建筑涂料(AC),欧洲,中东和非洲(EMEA),北部和东部的建筑涂料(AC)副总裁,立即生效。她将向PPG执行副总裁Tim Knavish报告。

在这一关键领导角色中,Vainikka将对包括Tikkurila Legacy业务在内的AC EMEA North和East地区负责。她将与Tikkurila Integration团队紧密合作,以确保在接下来的几个月中进行持续,有效的过渡。


Prior to joining Tikkurila, Vainikka had more than 15 years of increasing strategic and operational responsibility, leading business development, marketing, R&D and product portfolios in both B2C and B2B business environments, with strong global and domestic brands, including Hartwall, L’Oréal, Mars and MasterFoods.
